Astrology with Melody
for the aquarian age
“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”
~ Hermes Trismegistus
To know ourselves as unique but brilliant fractals of the whole is the initiation point …
Most of us are trying to be something other than ourselves. How do we feel when living from our truest nature?
I’ve been reading “Yuga Shift” by Bibhu Dev Misra, who lays out a convincing argument that the Kali Yuga or Iron Age officially ends this Spring Equinox on March 20, 2025.
We have a 24:34 Aries Super Full Moon, exact at 7:24 am EDT on 10/17 and as I’m sure you have noticed, it is simply brilliant as the closest supermoon we have this year.
Pluto stations direct: I wanted to give everyone a heads up for an infusion of Plutonian energy this week that may be harder for some than others, depending on your individual energetic pattern and karmic predicament.
Here we are with the last eclipse we will have in this season finale of Pluto in Capricorn. As the energies of this eclipse unfold over the next 3 - 6 months, there will be a karmic release of things that must end...
Full Moon / partial Lunar eclipse at 25:40 Pisces, today, 9/17/2024 at 10:33 pm EDT. Tune into a deep contemplative space of releasing to source all that is out of your control, knowing that cosmic order and harmony is in place..
"Melody, I could listen to our session 10 times, and each time hear something new and relevant I hadn't heard before. You are such a gift!" - W.V. Phoenix, AZ
"Thank you so much for our insightful time together last week! I'm still digesting it all, but really appreciated the experience, your openness, and the comfortable space you created." - M.V. Boulder, CO
The month ends with a New Moon at 9:40 Pisces, 7:44 pm EST. The dark phase of New Moons are the best time for setting intentions, in this case of a Piscean nature in whatever area of your life is ruled or influenced by Pisces.