Infusion of Pluto Energy
Our greatest human adventure is the evolution of consciousness. We are in this life to enlarge the soul, liberate the spirit, and light up the brain.
Tom Robbins
I am not a mundane astrologer because I believe that what happens on the collective level begins with the individual, and we are each in some way responsible for the current collective experience as well as growth and forward movement. And it’s a complicated, messy and slow affair for the most part. But we do have cataclysmic events that catapult us forward and we are in one of those times. We know this is not easy - in fact it’s very very hard.
I wanted to give everyone a heads up for an infusion of Plutonian energy this week that may be harder for some than others, depending on your individual energetic pattern and karmic predicament.
We know that Pluto is currently retrograde at 29° Capricorn, reflecting the intensity of this “season finale”. On Friday, October 11, Pluto stations and goes direct at 29:38:5 Capricorn. That’s 29 degrees, 38 minutes and 5 seconds, appearing completely stationary to our eyes from Earth as we experience the imperceptible shift of movement forward. It stays at this spot on Saturday, reflecting the archetypal energies of transformation from the old to the new pounding upon our little planet. Those born under these skies will have this intense transformational energy as the predominate signature of their chart, regardless of what else is going on.
The two days on either side of this Friday and Saturday (Wed, Thur, Sun and Mon) might as well be considered part of this stationary event as Pluto is at 29:38:6, just 1 second of a degree off the direct motion..
This is an important integration point of the US Pluto return. It is also a dangerous pattern for Pres. Trump. I refrain from saying more as I only upset people bringing in politics, which cannot get away from being subjective and biased. That said, so many have asked about what I think of the election outcome, remembering that the first Mars / Pluto opposition is just days before and the actual chart is very intense. Here it is:
The reason people are saying that this is the most important election from an astrological perspective is simply that we are finishing up the US Pluto return and this chart does reflect that the choices collectivly made will determine the course of this country on a level not seen since the birth of our country. It can feel scary because the future is unknown but we can feel how very different it will be, regardless of who wins, and for better or worse.
Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have a good chance of winning. It is harder to tell from looking at their charts although from where I sit, Trump has a small advantage. But the election day chart is strongly reflecting the will and consciousness of the people taking the country forward, and again, depending on one’s perspective, that can be interpreted both ways.
My perspective looking at the charts of people aligning with both sides and how the astrology shows up for them in the years ahead, is that I give Trump the win. I could be wrong and there is much I’m not saying, but for those who wanted to know my take, there it is.
It’s going to be chaotic, and I’m pretty sure we are finishing up a long journey together that is coming up on the final station, destiny sealed based on all that has come before. Regardless of the outcome, we are entering a new age, but the old is still in its last stages of decay. Hang tight and prepare for the new adventures ahead.