Imagining Tomorrow

“All things in this vast universe exist in you, with you, and for you.”
~ Khalil Gibran

I’ve been reading “Yuga Shift” by Bibhu Dev Misra, who lays out a convincing argument that the Kali Yuga or Iron Age officially ends this Spring Equinox on March 20, 2025. With his model, the complete yuga cycle is 25,800 years, lining up perfectly with the precession cycle on the grandest scale, along with the beginning of the Aquarian Age, the end of the Fourth Turning, the US Pluto return, among others.

He mentioned that polarization is at its most extreme during the Kali Yuga, but we have gone through these cycles before and here we still are. As the cell mitosis of humanity moves us towards growth and transformation, we are entering a 1200 year period of Ekpyrosis. marking the entry into cosmic space that brings more Galactic Center light and begins our ascent into Bronze, Silver and finally Golden age. This ascending Yuga cycle continues for 11,700 years. Plato called the entire precession cycle the “Great Year”, and if we use the metaphore of a “Great Day” The ascending and descending yuga periods are akin to moving from night to day on a cosmic level as our solar system travels in a sin wave, further and closer around the nucleus of the Milky Way, or Central “Sun of Wisdom”.

This 1200 year period we are entering is likely to come with cataclysmic earth changes, including comet impacts, but this ”could be an amazing time to live, when our planet is bathed in a new light, and a divine energy will course through our bodies, awakening our innate wisdom and activating the dormant mental faculties.”

In the short run though, civilization as we know it is collapsing and the new will emerge, but predicting the future at this time imho is impossible. I wrote a couple of newsletters ago about the feelings of deep grief we experience with losses are perhaps the most difficult part of this time. If we can keep the bigger picture in mind, it is also a time when our true dharma and soul’s purpose can either be revitalized or get on a new track if we our done with the journey of the old. These times are a chance to embody our lives in a truer more authentic way that feeds our souls.

These are both exciting and daunting ideas, especially for those of us that are reaching an age where the expectation was some ease with “retirement”. I will be 70 in May, and there is something about this number that makes me truly realize I will not be here all that much longer. Energy levels are down, and change is more challenging. And yet, for many of us, we feel we are not done with this life’s purpose, and gearing up to the new challenges is going to need an anchoring of a no nonsense, no more game playing or unnecessary placating attitude. This will free up the energy we need to build and create new foundations for a beautiful and different life.

Coming up on Sun, February 1 -2, we have a Moon, Neptune, Venus and North Node Stellium, essentially at 28° Pisces, with Neptune and the North Node continuing together at this degree through 2/8. This is a spectacular climactic point of chaos as humanity feels itself slipping off the grip of the past into the unknown. It is also an amazing portal of deep surrender and bliss if one realizes that the opportunity to create dreams that may have alluded up to now, can happen with a complete surrender of anything that has blocked us in the past. This includes prejudices, old conditioning patterns that serve no purpose, habits that hold us back etc. An open and unconditional heart towards ourselves and everyone else is important as we all go through this is powerful juju where miracles can seem to manifest.

The Sabian Symbol for 28° Pisces is “Light Breaking Into Many Colors as it Passes Through A Prism.” Dane Rudhyar comments that cycles of existence begin in unity and end in “multi-unity” - the prism is always there, and if there is anything that could be called absolute unity, “it is the relationship between the One and the Many.”

And to end with a Mark Twain quote: “Focus more on your desire than on your doubt, and the dream will take care of itself.”


Watch the Emotions!


Aries Supermoon and the Process of Evolution