Watch the Emotions!
The mystic states: “I do not live. God lives me.” But if this is actually what takes place, he has become the Avatar of his own Divinity, which is one with the divine Meaning of all existence. ~ Dane Rudhyar An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases
February ends with some very emotional energy, so being aware of this will help you either stay in your zen mode or use the emotional frequencies for accelerated growth and transformation. The Moon is out of bounds, Mars is stationed direct in Cancer, followed with the Moon opposite Mars, then conjunct Pluto, and finally a powerful Pisces New Moon.
We can learn to live more deeply in our individual truths and sovereignty, and realize that it is through this emotional process that our Spirit Consciousness with others deepens and strengthens unity. This is the paradox of the Aquarian Age, the individual within the collective, as we prepare to move fully out of Kali Yuga. Where we are getting emotionally triggered is where our deepest work of purification and letting go is.
Mars goes direct at 17° Cancer at 9 pm EST on Sunday the 23rd, which I am so so so happy about. Even though I am very comfortable with this less than easy combination of fiery direct Mars in an emotional water sign, as I have it in my own chart, this last 7 weeks with Mars in Cancer retrograde have been very challenging. Mars will be “stationed” at 17:01 Cancer Sunday and Monday the 23rd - 24th, meaning these energies will predominate the globe, with all of the emotional anger, passion and strength that may come with it.
The Moon in Capricorn will be directly opposite Mars for a couple of hours on Monday, exact at 1:30 am EST. We then have a “Hades Moon” with a conjunction to Pluto in the early am EST on Tuesday the 25th, all of this with the Moon (ruler of Cancer) Out of Bounds between the 20th and 25th.
An Out of Bounds Moon on the high side can be very EI inspired, deepening our intuition and trust. On the low side, the out of control emotions can bring in strange feelings and thoughts, big mood swings, a disregard for rules etc.
The month ends with a New Moon at 9:40 Pisces, 7:44 pm EST. The dark phase of New Moons are the best time for setting intentions, in this case of a Piscean nature in whatever area of your life is ruled or influenced by Pisces. We are making intentions for our brave and brand new beginnings, leaving behind all that no longer serves, which at this point in our collective consciousness…is a lot. Have faith and listen to your heart. This particular time is more powerful than the average Pisces New Moon with its frequencies of collecting from universal possibilities and crystalizing precisely into form our desires. Do not let the fear driven ego mind convince you things are too hard, too depressing, or that the limitations are too strict! It’s that healthy balance between possibilities and probabilities, but the possibilities have magic behind them right now.