“Thank you SO much Melody. The reading yesterday was invaluable to me. I can't wait to revisit this soon :)” R.A. San Francisco, CA
“This is all so amazing! Thank you sooooo much Melody! It’s always so unexpected the things that might come up that I never would have guess and yet make the most sense in the world. I just love how you are so intuitive on where to go!! And I super duper love the new chart system. So funny how much more it reads now than it would have in the past! - C.T. Boulder, CO
“I cannot thank you enough for all of your wisdom, open heart and astrological prowess during this difficult time in my life. Your sessions always help me shift into a more positive state of being when it seems my whole world is coming unglued. Your sessions are better than therapy because they are so personalized with the astrology component. The "who am I" and "why am I here" gets clearer and clearer each time we meet as well. I love how you listen to what I want to work on and then bring in the astrology to show the how's and the why's the particular problem is showing up for me. It helps bring to light that these issues are just part of my journey and I can learn and grow from them. You are such a gift in my life. Thank you for helping me navigate through this crazy thing called LIFE!!!” - E.G. Boulder, CO
"Thanks again...no words to convey what it means to me." - J.Z. Tel Aviv, Israel
"Thank you again for such a wonderful experience Melody. My mind is abuzz from all the information and insights. This was truly transformative for me." - L.K. San Rafael, CA
"Thank you Melody! The reading was so incredible! It gave me immense comfort and hope. I can't wait to listen to it again! Thank you soooo much!!" - A.F. Tempe, AZ
"I just wanted to say thank you so much for my reading last week - it was truly inspirational and helped me clarify where I am going and what I want and need to do for my own future happiness. Your reading has helped me put things in perspective, given me confidence to make changes." - J.B. Auckland, New Zealand
"Melody, I'm listening to your amazing reading from December again! It was such an amazing call and I just wanted you to know how accurate and helpful it was! Thank you, thank you!" - E.L. Anaheim, CA
"I just wanted to tell you that you gave such a deep and profound reading last night. I listened to it again and there is so much information and packed with many layers. I'm grateful for the time you took and the integrity that you bring to your work." - E.S. Venice, CA
“It’s been almost a month since my first reading with you, and I’m still thinking about our session, and the information you provided….it was a very significant experience for me! Thank you so much for all that you provided.” - N.D. Boulder, CO
"Thank you, thank you for a most enlightening relationship reading!!! We both feel like it reaffirmed what we knew at a deeper level and gave us some amazing tools for the future!! You are amazing!!" - L.M. Muscatine, Iowa
"Thank you so so very much for the fantastic and amazing readings you have given me recently. Times have definitely been tumultuous and your readings and advice have been incredibly helpful and absolutely spot on. You have also been genuinely caring and compassionate, and have helped me to reach a really good perspective on things that have helped see me through. I am so grateful." - J.W. Boulder, Colorado
“For the moment, I am in digesting mode, however I want to say how much I appreciate and am completely awed by your multilayered vision and ability to articulate the subtle. So cool.” - J.T. Saco, Maine
"A big thank you to astrologer and beautiful, wise woman Melody Scott Zindell, for the recent reading. Melody is able to deftly understand, narrate, and transmit the multiple and complex patterns in the star chart(s) that represent the non-linear map or dance of our soul's evolution. This is the second reading I've had with her (or is it third?) and each time I am awed and amazed at the light she sheds on my own evolving inner architecture and process." - T.L. Grass Valley, CA
“I so very much appreciate the two readings you provided for me so far. You have helped me understand and have greater compassion for myself regarding some key issues about myself and my experience of the world around me. That big gap between my head & first chakra, WoW....answers so many questions. Even explains the sense of feeling so open and vulnerable to the world, sometimes like a leaf in the wind. Anyway luv, you are so gifted, wise and learned. I am so grateful to you...thank you for helping me to love myself more!” - S.R. B. Portland, OR
“Thank you oh so much for today Melody! Hands down that was the most assisting reading ever and I had so much stiff momentum the rest of the day! It feels oh so good to be seen without judgment. I am so grateful for you always, what a gift you have always been to me. Thank you!!!” - C.T. Boulder, CO
“Thanks so much for the reading, helpful conversation and insights / advice. Really gained some serious understanding of myself, which is not surprising when I talk with you!” - E.F. Phoenix, AZ