Why Astrology?

Not understanding who I really was made my life very difficult for me. I was conditioned into a belief system that was not my own. I wanted to change myself and fix all the things I was told were wrong with me. I was boxed into a suffocating set of labels and values that were not my own. We all are, and to the extent we understand our true nature is the extent we have a fulfilling life that is energized with love and purpose.

Most of us are trying to be something other than ourselves. How do we feel when living from our truest nature?  Energy.  Power.  Freedom.  Peace. Joy.  Love.  

We are familiar with the Principle of Correspondence from The Kybalion:  “As above, so below; as below, so above.”  Within this idea lies the keys to life's paradoxes and hidden secrets. Astrology is a field of study encompassing the Mundane and the Divine.  It is psychological, spiritual, natural science and art.  As a divination tool it taps into the intuitive and the feminine.  As a discipline, it’s empirical rigor keeps us going deeper and deeper with intellectual excitement that matches the mystery. 

The Dance of Albion (circa 1795)
William BlakeThe power and radiance of energy fully released, beyond struggle, freed from all bondage and untruth.

The positions of the heavens at a particular moment in time, by reflecting the qualities of that moment, also reflect the qualities of anything born at that moment. (...) One does not cause the other; they are synchronous, and mirror each other.
~ Liz Greene

Astrology is the study of energy patterns and dynamics.  A fundamental assumption is that at the magical moment of your birth, the energies of that sacred time are imprinted at the core level of your being.  Your unique pattern is what an astrology chart depicts.  That is the “fate” part.  You are who you are, and over millennia of recorded observation and correlation, astrology is very good at describing your energetic pattern.

The “free will” part is what you choose to do with this essentially neutral energy.  If you don't resonate with the basic assumption that the chart describes us in some way, then astrology is not for you.  If, however, you are willing to consider that assumption, then astrology as a tool supports the deepest levels of self-discovery.  Who you are is perfectly beautiful.  

With the help of astrology as a tool:

- Discover the blueprint of your soul story, deeper life purpose and the karmic predicament of your soul.                    

- Your natal chart is a beautiful tool for unfolding greater levels of awareness, truth and clarity, as programing and hidden beliefs imprinted in our past are analyzed.

- Consider soul growth and evolution within the context of both early childhood and past lives.

- Know the cycles that you are in and what is being activated in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. From here make the right choices for your life.

- Align to healthy relationships that match who you are.  

- Use the power of this understanding to create the best work for you instead of letting old and unconscious patterns run your life.

- Allow the joy that comes with the journey, even during the difficult phases.

Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you.
— Dane Rudhyar

Astrology looks at some of the deeper "why" questions.  My work with you is only to help define, explore, validate, guide and maybe at times push a little. In the end, the only authority is yourself, and all answers lie within.


Know Thyself


Aries Supermoon and the Process of Evolution