Hot and Steamy July!
"You yourself are even another little world and have within you the sun and the moon and also the stars." —Origen
As we race towards 2025, these times of illusions and glamours that bewitch us will heighten for the rest of 2024, bringing with it energies that can also disappoint and disillusion. We have slippery paths ahead to negotiate.
On June 28 - 29, Saturn stations to go retrograde at 19:25:7 Pisces. Neptune stations at 29:56:9 Pisces on July 1 - 3, turning retrograde on July 1. Retrogrades bring magnetic and internalized frequencies deepening a sense of evolution and growth as we reflect on what is going on with ourselves and the world.
Although these two planets in Pisces are not in close aspect to each other, they are both in Pisces and retrograde. This brings the potential for integrating the cosmos with the mundane in ways that surprise and titillate our imagination. For some, this can be a very creative and highly spiritual time. For others, dreams and hopes are created or dissolved, especially with finances. We have felt the chaos of the unknown grip our souls with fear and that may spike collectively, as those that take advantage of the outworn paradigm of control and manipulation continue to hang on by their fingertips before slipping off into the abyss.
I know this probably sounds dramatic, but that is the mood I am in as I think about July and what may be coming up.
July Highlights:
2: Mercury moves into Leo for 3 weeks
Neptune stations retrograde at 29:55 Pisces until Dec 7
5: 14:23 Cancer New Moon at 6:56 pm EDT
11: Venus moves into Leo for 3.5 weeks
13: Moon conjunct South Node at 10° Libra
22:00 Libra First Quarter Moon at 6:47 pm EDT
14: Mars conjunct Uranus at 26° Taurus
15: Mars conjunct Uranus at 26° Taurus
21: 29:08 Capricorn Hades Full Moon at 6:15 am EDT
Mars moves into Gemini for 6.5 weeks
22: Best time to view Mercury in the Western sky just after sunset
Sun moves into Leo
25: Moon conjunct Saturn retro at 16° Pisces and Neptune retro at 29° Pisces
26: Chiron turns retrograde at 23:32 Aries
Moon conjunct North Node at 8° Aries
Mercury moves into Virgo for 9 weeks
27: 5:32 Taurus Last Quarter Moon at 10:51 pm EDT
What stands out for July is the Mars/Uranus conjunction at 26° Taurus on the 14th and 15th. This is the climactic point of a very busy month. It reflects exciting, scary, unexpected and volatile energy, so we need to at least be aware of the possibilities. We could easily see financial upsets and surprises, as well as earthquake and other earth changes, but also something that we can’t really predict.
It’s always wise these days to stay in a more neutral observer role as we are at the end of a very long period playing itself out. This is a more fated time, and aside from staying aware and making choices that are intuitive and from a fearless heart, current events will happen as they do. And while humanity is winding down a long cycle, the seeds of the future do have power beyond our imagination.
These seeds are being planted right now by our thoughts, desires and actions as sovereign human beings. We can best serve our communities and the world right now by radiating our inner peace. There is also lots of room this month for fun, joy and love!